Bridging the digital TRUST G_P

When the internet began, it was an initiative to bridge the gap in accessing knowledge. Over the years, it empowered millions to gain knowledge. It also brought in many opportunities for businesses as well as individuals. This has eventually led to an increase in online shopping and digital transactions.

Unintentionally, it also increased new opportunities for scammers and fraudsters. Scammers these days use sophisticated tactics to mimic legitimate companies and convince unsuspecting web users that they are authentic. This has led to numerous online scams, which have eroded consumer trust in online transactions.

The Internet, which was supposed to bridge the gap in accessing knowledge, has, ironically, created a TRUST gap between companies and consumers.

It is becoming quite difficult for even a tech-savvy individual to verify the authenticity of a site or app. Recent news on fake chatGPT apps and extensions is an example of such. Today, even tech-savvy individuals experience moments of hesitation and doubt when it comes to making online payments. It’s natural to question the authenticity of websites and worry about falling victim to scams.

As a tech-savvy person, you could probably easily identify a scam site from a phishing site, but what about those who may not be tech-savvy like you? It can be challenging for those who are not familiar with technology to keep up with the latest trends and risks. Cybercriminals mostly target the elderly, who may not be completely aware of the risks associated. Scammers use social engineering to convince users to reveal important information or to install malware.

But what if there was a simple solution? An initiative that helps end users easily verify whether a website belongs to the real company or not. What if users can verify the ownership of a Chrome extension, an Android app, a social media profile, or even payment links?

authifyWeb is such an experimental project. With its authifyURL and authifyFame initiatives, it aims to bridge the digital trust gap.

A free solution to help end-users, whether tech-savvy or not, easily identify fake websites and social media accounts.

authifyWeb project indents to make the web safer and secure, empowers users identify scams sites in less than 30 seconds.

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